Thriving Souls Therapy
Data Protection Policy
Version 1
In order to offer safe and effective psychotherapy services, I must collect, process and hold some of your personal information. Due to data protection laws in the UK, this means that I am classed as a Data Processor, and you are classed as a Data Subject. Any of your personal information that I collect, process or hold is classed as Personal Data.
What Personal Data do I hold?
Personal Data I request and hold includes: contact details (your name, address, email address, and telephone number), your date of birth, the name and contact number of an emergency contact, your GP surgery details, and session notes on our work together. Personal data also includes any emails, voicemails or text messages you may send to me, and the details of the financial transactions you make as payment for our sessions.
How do I store your Personal Data?
Personal data you send to me is received via secure email service. A paper copy of your contact information, DOB, emergency contact and GP surgery details, is stored in a locked cabinet in my office. Financial transaction information including your name, account details and amounts paid are visible on my bank statements which are seen by myself and my accountant. Notes on our sessions together are stored separately from your contact information in electronic, password-protected format. They are saved under pseudonym names.
I also use personal data to maintain a Professional Will. This means that in the event of my unexpected incapacity, I will pass on your contact details (name, email address and telephone number) to a colleague who will inform you of this.
I am required by my accrediting body (BACP), my insurers and HMRC to keep personal data for a period of five years following the end of your therapy, after which time, I will ensure it is securely deleted.
As a Data Subject, you can:
• access and obtain a copy of your data on request
• request changes to incorrect or incomplete data
• request deletion or end processing your data (The right is not absolute and only applies in certain circumstances)
• ask to stop processing data for a period if data is inaccurate or there is a dispute about whether or not your interests override the legitimate grounds for processing data.
• withdraw your consent at any time
If you wish to implement any of the above during the time your data is available, please contact me by email; thrivingsoulstherapy@gmail.com
Please direct any further queries to Information Commissioners Office; https://ico.org.uk/concerns/handling or 0303 123 1113
Please indicate on the form below whether you consent to your data being handled in this way.